
FIFA23; which platform is best?

PC, X-box or PlayStation

The gaming experience in FIFA23 can vary depending on the platform you choose to play on, including PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. Here are some of the key differences:

  1. Graphics and performance: The graphics and performance of the game can vary depending on the platform. Generally, PCs offer the best graphics and performance due to the ability to customize hardware components such as graphics cards and processors. However, the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 offer powerful hardware that can rival many gaming PCs.
  2. Controls: The controls of FIFA23 can vary between the different platforms, with each platform having its own unique controller. PlayStation and Xbox controllers have similar layouts, with a directional pad, analog sticks, and face buttons, while PC gamers typically use a keyboard and mouse or a controller of their choice.
  3. Online play: FIFA23 supports online play on all platforms. However, the online experience can vary between platforms due to differences in the number of players and connectivity issues.
  4. Modding: Modding is the process of modifying game files to alter or add new features to the game. Modding is typically easier on PC, as it allows greater access to game files and the ability to create custom content.

Overall, the choice of platform comes down to personal preference and what features are most important to you.

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